Thursday 16 April 2015


1.Boundary line between Pakistan and Afghanistan demarcated by Sir Mortimer Durand in the year 1896 is called→ Durand Line.

2.Boundary line between India and China demarcated by Sir Henry McMohan in the year1914 is called→ McMohan Line.

3.Boundary line between India and Pakistan demarcated by Sir Cyril Radcliffe in the year 1947 is called→ Radcliffe Line.

4.Line of fortification drawn by Germany on its border with France is called→ Seigfried Line.

5.The line which defined the boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam before the two were united in the year 1976 is called→ 17th Parallel.

6.The line which Pakistan claims should be the actual demarcation between India and Pakistan is called→ 24th Parallel.

7.Boundary line between Libya and Sudan is called→ 20th Parallel North.

8.Boundary line between Egypt and Sudan is called→ 22nd Parallel North.

9.Boundary line between North Korea and South Korea is called→ 38th Parallel.

10.Boundary line between USA and Canada is called→ 49th Parallel.

11.Boundary line between France and Germany is called→ Maginot Line.

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